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About Us

Sasameyer Vintage Luminaries, established in 2012, represents the sum of the attainments of master minds, artistic and mechanical; the goal set forth is perfection, which in terms of luminaryism means a flawless repurposition, both unique and superior in detail and technical finish.  Its purpose, beyond now or then, will be of common knowledge to any and all men upon the split-second gaze of their own eye, experiencing within their very own person the validity and ever-consuming beauty of the most lustful power illuminating deep from well within its more than tantalizing industrial exterior. One should be most certain of one's own self to be rightfully considered and solely recognized as the foremost keeper and caretaker of such a quality heirloom, being constantly, deliberately and justly on guard for the minds of the simple and hands of the weak.

If you believe you may possess this once elusive and rare character trait in the very righteousness of your being, we are confident you will be most appreciative of our work.


What can we build  for you?

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